We help our customers secure their most sensitive data and the credentials that supply access to it, we do this because we believe the security of your data is more than just understanding who has access to it. Data security relies on securing the credentials that are leveraged to access it, and the security of your credentials relies on securing the desktop and server infrastructure they are most commonly compromised from.
To address the issues rising from poorly configured Windows active directory and associated data stores we have the capability to identify where you are most vulnerable, using our infrastructure assessment tools we are able to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of data repositories, active directory, and the wider Windows infrastructure to provide clear insight into the security stature of your credentials and data.
The assessment produces a comprehensive report including a detailed Executive Summary that highlights where attention is needed most and why, allowing any audience to fully understand the nature of the risks identified and why they are important to remediate. There is also a more technically detailed assessment and calculation of risk across some of the most critical and often misunderstood areas of your environment that can include all aspects of infrastructure and services whether you’re completely on-premises, in the cloud, or operating in hybrid mode.