Improve your security effectiveness with an award-winning Managed Detection and Response Service

Organisations everywhere are struggling with detecting and responding to modern cyberthreats efficiently. Whilst many IT departments have deployed security tools to address this, the lack of 24×7 coverage, security operations expertise, and adequately staffed IT security means many cyber threats and breaches go unnoticed, resulting in untold damage to the business. 

Our Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service delivers capabilities and expertise tailored to the specific needs of your organisation. Your specifically aligned cyber operations specialists work directly with you to perform threat hunting, incident response, and guided remediation, while also providing strategic, customised recommendations that help drive continuous security improvements within your IT environment. 

Managed Detection and Response Service
  • 24×7 monitoring 
  • Alert triage and prioritisation 
  • Utilise your existing security solutions 
  • Custom protection rules 
  • Assisted remediation 
  • Detailed reporting and audit support 
  • Ongoing strategic security reviews 

Please get in touch via the form opposite to learn more about how our fully managed security operations service delivers improved and more costeffective protection. Find out more about NG-IT

Security Operations

Start protecting your data and reputation today using a MDR. NG-IT monitors your environment 24×7, ensuring proactive and dynamic detection and response to threats, intrusions, and attacks. Keep your organisation safe by receiving timely and actionable intelligence—without the overwhelming noise of endless false positives.

Managed Detection and Response

Dedicated Security Analysts Monitor, Detect, and Respond to Cyberthreats Before They Impact Your Business.
Our Managed Detection and Response solution is anchored by a dedicated Team who monitors your network 24×7, handles log aggregation and correlation, actively hunts for threats, and provides custom alerts and reports when cyberattacks occur.

Managed Risk

Continuous Vulnerability Scanning and Endpoint Analytics Managed by Security Experts. Our solution helps your organisation reduce its attack surface by identifying vulnerabilities within your network on a continuous basis.