Privileged Access Management tools are essential components of information security and compliance programs, yet privileged account compromise remains a nagging issue despite broad scale adoption of password vaults.
Data breaches have become commonplace, and despite significant investments in perimeter and endpoint security, breaches typically begin at the desktop and server layers of an organisation’s IT infrastructure and spreads through the overabundance of privileged access rights (i.e. standing privilege) to each system and other misconfigurations and vulnerabilities attackers exploit.
Furthermore, traditional PAM providers focus on controlling access to accounts and their passwords, not on the activities the administrator needs to perform. The result is minimal reduction of an organisation’s attack surface because the accounts still exist on the endpoint and can still be compromised.
Our solution approach to Privileged Access Management (PAM) fills the gaps and overcomes the challenges of traditional PAM solutions, providing comprehensive visibility into an organisation’s privileged account footprint, surgical control over privileged account usage, and the ability to effectively reduce the threat surface and lateral movement attacks privileged accounts allow.
- Discover privileged account with standing access to system, application, and data infrastructure.
- Grant the exact level of permission needed to perform the required admin function.
- Perform certification/attestation of privilege access rights, directly within the solution.
- Provides ability to reduce standing privileges to zero, thereby reducing your attack surface.
- Vault options; Use onboard, bring you own or perform vault-less operations.
- Includes database licenses, add-on modules, high availability, proxies, scale-out architecture.